Back to school now what?

Back to school now changes are required in the home
We know that during the summer break things were less structured around the home, however now that the children are back in school it is important to resume a more structured environment. This is important not just for the children but for the parents working from home or working outside the home.
Here are some of the items to address:
- Make a family calendar with important dates, events, meetings, etc. Put it in a location where it is easily accessible by all family members.
- Help your child get into a regular bedtime routine so he or she can wake up well-rested and ready for the school day.
- What’s for lunch and after-school snacks? You might want to plan for an entire week, this will make the morning rush more efficient when you know what lunch will be ahead of time. Having a specific area for the after-school snack is a great idea.
- Make sure there is a designated area for your child to do homework, some children will have a desk in their room while others will have to do it at the kitchen table or somewhere else. The point is, to be consistent and make the area pleasant.
- Keep some school supplies on hand, in a specific area.
- Safety is such an important issue, There was a time when children were in school, it was the feeling they were in the safest space but that is no longer the case, some parents will want to address this, it might also depend on the age of the child. This is certainly a personal decision. However a child should be aware of emergency contacts, and what to do in case of an emergency, Now with a cellphone it is easy to have a scheduled check-in time.
Happy school year to both parents and students.
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